Some Vocabulary

To get by on a first visit you may like to try out the below Darija and even if you don't speak it it may help you to understand some of the phrases you may hear around you.

Le bes? - how are you?

Behir-good, well (as in behir? are you well?)

Salam alaikum peace be upon you

Wa alaikum salam - the response to being greeted with salam alaikum

Sbah I'kheer - good morning

Msa l'kheer - good evening

Leila saeeda - goodnight

Biselama - goodbye

Shoukran-thank you

Afak/minfadlak (to a man) and afik/minfadlik (to a woman) -


Naam - yes


Shweeya - a little

Bzef - a lot, very